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pronator quadratus造句

"pronator quadratus"是什么意思  
  • Then the Pronator quadratus muscle is found and detached from the radius.
  • Why the contraction of pronator quadratus produces pronation, and not supination?
  • It is assisted in this action by pronator quadratus.
  • In the forearm, this action is performed by pronator quadratus and pronator teres muscle.
  • The approach is made passing the Flexor carpi radialis with detachment of the Pronator quadratus muscle from the radius.
  • At the upper border of the pronator quadratus muscle it pierces the interosseous membrane and reaches the back of the forearm, where it anastomoses with the dorsal interosseous artery.
  • The anterior interosseous artery supplies the deep layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm, including the flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quadratus muscles.
  • The pinching will simulate contraction of pronator quadratus, and will show the action of the muscle .-- talk 06 : 01, 7 May 2008 ( UTC)
  • :Pronator quadratus runs from the lateral ( outside ) of the radius to the medial border of the ulna, and is found in the anterior compartment of the forearm.
  • After the injury, the fracture is subject to deforming forces including those of the brachioradialis, pronator quadratus, and thumb extensors, as well as the weight of the hand.
  • It's difficult to see pronator quadratus in a sentence. 用pronator quadratus造句挺难的
  • To the posterior of the two ridges the lower part of the interosseous membrane is attached, while the triangular surface between the ridges gives insertion to part of the pronator quadratus muscle.
  • Thus when the arm is in a supine ( palm up ) position, contraction of pronator quadratus acts to roll the outside of the radius toward the ulna, which is pronation.
  • As might be expected, the symptoms involve weakness in the muscle innervated by the AIN including the flexor digitorum profundus muscle to the index ( and sometimes the middle ) finger, the flexor pollicis longus muscle to the thumb and the pronator quadratus of the distal forearm.
  • The "'pronator teres "'is a muscle of the human body ( located mainly in the forearm ) that, along with the Pronator quadratus, serves to pronate the forearm ( turning it so that the palm faces posteriorly when from the anatomical position ).
  • It accompanies the anterior interosseous artery along the anterior of the interosseous membrane of the forearm, in the interval between the flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus, supplying the whole of the former and ( most commonly ) the radial half of the latter, and ending below in the pronator quadratus and wrist joint.
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